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Nov. 13, 2020

CALL FOR PAPERS FOR CTE-STEM 2021: The Fifth APSCE International Conference on Computational Thinking and STEM Education 2021

CTE-STEM 2021: The Fifth APSCE International Conference on Computational Thinking and STEM Education 2021

National Institute of Education, Nanyang Technological University, Singapore

June 2-4, 2021

Conference website


Submission link


Submission deadline

January 15, 2021


The 5th APSCE International Conference on Computational Thinking and STEM Education 2021 (CTE-STEM 2021) is organized by the Asia-Pacific Society for Computers in Education (APSCE).  CTE-STEM 2021 is hosted by the National Institute of Education, Nanyang Technological University (NIE/NTU). This conference continues from the success of the previous four international Computational Thinking conferences organised by the Education University of Hong Kong (EdUHK) and JC@Coolthink in Hong Kong. In addition to Computational Thinking, we will be expanding the conference to invite STEM researchers and practitioners to share their findings, processes and outcomes in the context of computing education.

CTE-STEM 2021 will be a forum for worldwide sharing of ideas as well as dissemination of findings and outcomes on the implementation of computational thinking and STEM development. The conference will comprise keynote speeches, invited speeches, panel discussions, workshops and paper presentations. All accepted papers will be published in ISSN-coded proceedings.

Conference registration information and mode will be announced by beginning December 2020.


Computational Thinking and STEM Education


·        Computational Thinking & Coding Education in K-12

·        Computational Thinking & Unplugged Activities in K-12

·        Computational Thinking & Subject Learning & Teaching in K-12

·        Computational Thinking & Teacher Development

·        Computational Thinking & IoT

·        Computational Thinking & STEM/STEAM Education

·        Computational Thinking & Data Science

·        Computational Thinking & Artificial Intelligence Education

·        Computational Thinking Development in Higher Education

·        Computational Thinking & Special Education Needs

·        Computational Thinking & Evaluation

·        Computational Thinking & Non-formal Learning

·        Computational Thinking & Psychological Studies

·        Computational Thinking in Educational Policy

·        STEM Learning in the Classroom

·        STEM Activities in informal contexts

·        STEM Education Policies

·        STEM Pedagogies and Curriculum

·        STEM Teacher Education and Professional Development

All submissions will be reviewed anonymously by at least two International Programme Committee (IPC) Members and the Co-Chairs.

Important Dates

·        Conference Period: 2 - 4 June 2021

·        Call for Papers Submission Due: Before noon, 15 Jan 2021 (SGT/HKT)

·        Notification of Paper Acceptance: 28 Feb 2021

·        Camera-ready Paper Submission Due: 30 Mar 2021

Submission Guidelines

Submission Guidelines

·        Paper Language: English

·        Please submit your manuscript via EasyChair for CTE-STEM 2021  as a single PDF file without authors’ name, affiliation and email address. (Download EasyChair Manual [here], Guidelines and Templates [here])

·        To standardise the information, please input author’s information and submission details on EasyChair in ENGLISH.

·        Before submitting your manuscript, please give your manuscript a final read-through to ensure it fulfils the format and paper-length required by CTE-STEM 2021.

Paper Requirements (page length including references)

·        Poster – 2 pages

·        Short Paper - 3 to 4 pages

·        Long Paper - 5 to 6 pages


Should you need any assistance, please contact [email protected].sg