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Nov. 16, 2020

Prof. Gautam Biswas and Prof. Siu Cheung Kong are inducted as APSCE Fellows

The Asia-Pacific Society for Computers in Education (APSCE) Fellows Program was established in 2019 to honor outstanding APSCE members in the field of computers in education as well as having a strong track record in rendering sophisticated contributions to APSCE and ICCE.
Following a decision made by the APSCE Fellows Committee on 31 October 2020, we are pleased to announce that the following APSCE members have been inducted as new APSCE Fellows (in alphabetical order),
- Prof. Gautam BISWAS (USA)
- Prof. Siu Cheung KONG (Hong Kong)
An induction ceremony will be held at the Opening Ceremony of the upcoming 28th International Conference on Computers in Education (25 November 2020).
The inaugural batch of APSCE Fellows inducted last year comprises (in alphabetical order) Tak-Wai CHAN (Taiwan), H. Ulrich HOPPE (Germany), Chee-Kit LOOI (Singapore), and Riichiro MIZOGUCHI (Japan).
Please refer to <https://apsce.net/about.php?id=63> for the biography of all the APSCE Fellows.