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Oct. 05, 2021


Camille DICKSON-DEANE (University of Technology Sydney, Australia)
Sharon RAVITCH (University of Pennsylvania, USA)

Anvar SADAT (Kerala Infrastructure and Technology for Education, India)

CHAIR: Jayakrishnan Madathil WARRIEM (Indian Institute of Technology Madras, India)

CURATED BY: APSCE Practice-Driven Research, Teachers’ Professional Development & Policies (PTP) SIG

Date: 19 October 2021
Time: 02:00-03:15 (UTC, i.e., GMT+0)

FREE Registration (due 17 October, 2021): https://apsce.net/webinar


As a response to the COVID-19 pandemic, educational institutions all over the world had to adapt and innovate. Instructors at all educational levels attempted to continue teaching through the remote online mode. Parents and guardians became at-home teachers. New skills were learnt, new practices adopted, and new questions for research began to emerge. Policy decisions were taken to address the digital gap.

We are now at the stage where the immediate crisis of the pandemic appears to be receding. Yet its impact remains and possibly has a long tail. Which of the new educational practices and innovations will continue and which will fade away? What will education look like as we move into a post-pandemic setting and beyond? This panel will focus on issues around how learning, teaching and teacher-professional development, research, and policy are being envisioned in such a post pandemic setting.

Some questions this panel will explore:

  • What did emergency remote teaching mean to teachers, learners and parents/guardians? Are any of these practices likely to continue as we transition out of the pandemic?

  • What kind of pedagogical solutions can we imagine and implement in future disruptive situations?

  • How can we support and empower teachers? What are models of professional development for teachers? How can they facilitate affective and psychomotor skills?

  • What are the interim and long-term solutions in terms of policy? What can be done to address the digital gap which may still remain, and in some cases became wider? How can societies think of integrating human values and welfare in policies?

  • What are some new research areas and paradigms that we can visualize? Will we see importance in areas such as seamless learning?