• Vivian Wen-Chi WU

Theme-based Invited Speakers 2018 Invited talk of TELL SIG: Wen-Chi WU

Nov. 29, 2018

Theme-based Invited Speakers
2018 Invited talk of TELL SIG: Prof. Vivian Wen-Chi WU
The talk is chaired by: Prof. Ting-Chia Hsu

Vivian Wen-Chi WU
Asia University, Taiwan
Title: Creating a Technology-Rich English Language Learning Environment to Enhance Language Learning and Teaching (C6)

Nowadays, the use of technology to assist second or foreign language learners is much in demand by students, but many language teachers are not sure “where” and “how” to start in incorporating technology. Their own teachers in years past did not use technology and they feel less sophisticated than their students in simply understanding today’s technology potential. In addition, these teachers feel outside their “comfort zones” when they encounter terminology such as Computer Assisted
Language Learning (CALL), Mobile Assisted Language Learning (MALL), and Technology Enhanced Language Learning (TELL). Moreover, most academic literature about using technology for English language teaching reports on experimental one-time tests and provides little guidance on how technology can be incorporated into the curriculum over the long term (Chwo et al., 2016). In my talk, I will first present a theoretical framework for how and why technology can actually enhance language learning. Then I will provide a step-by-step process for making decisions about technology use. Teachers must understand outcome goals for the class or curriculum, identify learning activities that allow students to achieve those outcomes, and only then select one or more technology platforms that can deliver those learning activities via task-based assignments. Evaluation of each potential technology should be based on the affordances of the technology. Best practices and examples will also be provided in my talk.