Keynote Speakers

Unna Huh, South Korea
H. Ulrich Hoppe, Germany
Title of Speech:
Collaborative Mind Tools for the Classroom-Strategies for Pedagogical Innovation
Naomi Miyake, Japan
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Supporting collaborative reflection for knowledge integration: computer support for building a collaborative learning community in undergraduate cognitive science courses
Yam San Chee, Singapore
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Networked Virtual Environments for Collaborative Learning
Shelly Young, Taiwan
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Internet-based EduCities and A School for All
Yoneo Yano, Japan
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Asynchronous Virtual Classroom-Agent-Based Reusable Learning Environment
Julita Vassileva, Canada
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Distributed and United
Susanne Lajoie, USA
Riichiro Mizoguchi, Japan
Title of Speech:
Theory-Aware Authoring System Towards the next generation educational systems