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Apr. 16, 2020

ICCE 2020 Implications of COVID-19 | 16 April 2020

Dear APSCE members and researchers,

These are unprecedented times, and we do hope you are all keeping safe. Our sympathy goes out to all those affected by COVID-19 across the world.

The ICCE2020 standing committee and the APSCE Executive committee have considered the current situation, including the travel bans in many countries. We have therefore decided to have ICCE 2020 as a fully virtual conference at the original dates, from 23rd to 27th of November. The proceedings of the conference will be published online and indexed the same way as previous conferences.

The exact format and schedule will be announced in due course. The registration fee for the conference will be significantly lower than in the case of a face-to-face conference. We will publish the details soon.

Meanwhile, please consider submitting your work to the conference. And please get in touch with us if you have any questions.

The ICCE 2020 standing committee

Tanja Mitrovic, Hyojeong So, Ma. Mercedes T. Rodrigo, Jon Mason, Lung-Hsiang Wong, Maiga Chang, Fu-Yun Yu and Julin Shih