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Classroom, Ubiquitous and Mobile Technologies Enhanced Learning(CUMTEL) Special Interest Group, APSCE


call for Paper

ICCE Workshop Call for Paper (ICCE2019, Kenting, Taiwan)
ICCE-W06: The 10th International Workshop on Innovative Designs for Mobile and Ubiquitous Learning: 1:1 and Beyond

Workshop chair of CUMTEL: Noriko Uosaki (Osaka University, Japan)

Please submit your paper by email as an attachment to [email protected], with the subject title "ICCE 2019 Workshop Paper Submission".

* Submission deadline for workshop papers: August 16, 2019

* Acceptance notification of workshop papers: September 6, 2019

* Final camera-ready version due for workshop papers: September 15, 2019

Paper length: a long paper (8-10 pages) or a short paper (5-6 pages)

Paper template:

The paper would be published in ICCE2019 Workshop proceedings, which will be submitted to Elsevier for inclusion in Scopus

Looking forward to your submission!!!