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Technology Enhanced Language Learning(TELL) Special Interest Group, APSCE



Special Interest Group (SIG) on Technology Enhanced Language Learning (TELL) has been established by the Asia-Pacific Society for Computers in Education (APSCE) to provide a platform for researchers sharing scholarly interests and professional insights into the use of technology in second and foreign language teaching and learning. The primary objectives of TELL SIG are:

● to facilitate international sharing of research on technology enhanced language learning by means of organizing scholarly activities such as theme-based workshops and forums in the International Conference on Computers in Education (ICCE), the annual academic conference of the APSCE, for knowledge exchange and dissemination of research findings and inviting academic publications of research work;
● to increase opportunities for collaborative research projects on technology enhanced language learning, mobilizing SIG members to achieve the goal of collaboration and bridging gaps between different research communities in the inter-discipline.
● to stimulate exchanges between an international academic community of research on applications of technology in language education, such as organizing international conferences and organizing academic visits to the key educational units, research centers and governmental bodies in charge of technology transformed educationin the Asia-Pacific region to build a worldwide research community

Latest News

May. 01, 2021

[May 19, 2021] APSCE Webinar Series XIII: Speeches & Panel: How does new technology enhance vocabulary learning? Possibilities and issues


Sep. 27, 2012

ICCE 2012 Workshop On "Real Education in Virtual Worlds: Foreign Language Learning and Teaching"


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