:::Overview of Membership


2007 Members

APSCE Members

First name Last name Personal Homepage Institution Country / Region
Norisuke KOZUKI Shiga University Japan
Hiroaki Ogata The University of Tokushima Japan
Takeharu Ishizuka Fukuoka Institute of Technology, Junior College Japan
Dr. Saadiyah Darus View Universiti Kebangsaan Malaysia Malaysia
Terry Stewart View Institute of Natural Resources, Massey University New Zealand
Qiong Wang View Graduate School of Education China
Madhumita Bhattacharya View Massey University New Zealand
Chee-Kit Looi View National Institute of Education Singapore
Nor Azan Mat Zin National University of Malaysia (UKM) Malaysia
Mitsuru Ikeda JAIST Japan
Patrick Barrett View Catholic Education Office - Parramatta Australia
Raymund SISON View De La Salle University Philippines
Tak-Wai Chan National Central University Taiwan
Helmut NIEGEMANN View University of Erfurt Germany
Akira Takeuchi Kyushu Institute of Technology Japan
Eugenia M. W. Ng View The Hong Kong Institute of Education Hong Kong
Dr Kinshuk View University of North Texas United States
Peter Reimann View Faculty of Education and Socialwork Australia
Ben Chang View Research center for science and technology of lear Taiwan
Yoneo Yano Japan
Siu Cheung Kong Department of Mathematics and Information Technology, The Hong Kong Institute of Education Hong Kong
Fu-Yun Yu View National Cheng-Kung University Taiwan
Akira Takemura Seiryo Women's Junior College Japan
Fong-lok Lee The Chinese University of Hong Kong Hong Kong
Riichiro Mizoguchi Japan
Yam San CHEE National Institute of Education Singapore
Chen Wenli Singapore
Chiu Pin Lin View National Hsinchu University of Education Taiwan
Chih-Yueh Chou Yuan Ze University Taiwan
Chih-Hung Lai National Hualien University of Education Taiwan
Mark Elwell View Hakusan International School Japan
Eric Wang View Sungkyunkwan University Korea
Junko Matsumoto The University of Tokushima Japan
Kazumi Sagayama The University of Tokushima Japan
Caroline Mei Lin Ho View National Institute of Education, Nanyang Technolog Singapore
Kamen Kanev University of Aizu Japan
Hung-Pin Shih Hsuan Chuang University Taiwan
Lam-for KWOK City University of Hong Kong Hong Kong
Dietrich Albert University of Graz -Department of Psychology Germany
YIONG HWEE TEO View Ministry of Education Singapore
Yih-Ruey Juang Jinwen University of Science and Technology Taiwan
Maria Mercedes Rodrigo Ateneo de Manila University Philippines
Yau-Yuen Yeung MSST Department, Hong Kong Institute of Education Hong Kong
Antonija Mitrovic View University of Canterbury New Zealand
Gerry Stahl View Drexel University United States
Anders Morch InterMedia, University of Oslo Norway
Shelley Young National Tsing Hua University Taiwan
Tae Wuk Lee View Korea National University of Education Korea
Su Luan Wong View Universiti Putra Malaysia Malaysia
Takashi Maeda Hokkaido Information University Japan
Yong Se Kim View CREDITS Research Center Korea
Daniel Suthers View Dept. of ICS, University of Hawaii United States
Tsukasa Hirashima Japan
Toshihiro Hayashi Kagawa University Japan
Weiqin Chen University of Bergen, Oslo and Akershus University Norway
Youmei Wang View Wenzhou University China

2007 Student Members

APSCE Student Members

First name Last name Personal Homepage Institution Country / Region
Wenhuan Lu View Japan Advanced Institute of Science and Technology Japan
Wei Zhou View Graduate School of Information Science, Nagoya Uni China
Alex Wing-cheung Tse Faculty of Education, The Chinese University of Hong Kong Hong Kong
Jane Yau University of Warwick United Kingdom
Xin Lu View University of Illinois at Chicago United States
Hong Chen View Waseda University China
Keun Woo Han Korea National University of Education Korea
Yanjie Song The University of Hong Kong Hong Kong
I-Fan Liu Dept. of IM, National Taiwan University Taiwan
Nan Zhou View College of Information Science and Technology, Dre United States
Chengjiu Yin The University of Tokushima China