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Dec. 18, 2021

Call for extended abstract: The 1st International Conference on Future Language Learning (ICFULL) 2022

The 1st International Conference on Future Language Learning (ICFULL) 2022
July 1st – 3rd, 2022
Organized by Asia Pacific Society of Computers in Education (APSCE) 
Hosted by The Education University of Hong Kong and National Central University, Taiwan

Call for extended abstract
Education is being revolutionized in the digital age. Language learning has no exception. The rapid development of artificial intelligence has speed up the transformation of language pedagogical practices. Further, language learning has been shifted from face-to-face to online due to the COVID- 19 pandemic, which has given rise to radical changes of the learning culture. What is the future of language learning in the fast-changing, post-pandemic world leveraged by emerging technologies poses expectations, interest and concerns from many scholars in the field of technology-enhanced language learning. Against this background, “Asia Pacific Society of Computers in Education” (APSCE) initiated its first conference with the theme of “International Conference of Future Language Learning (ICFULL)”.
The conference aims to involve scholars, practitioners and researchers to share and exchange their research findings in exploring the potential that cutting-edge technologies can provide for language pedagogical practices in terms of AI-supported language learning, personalized / adaptive learning, digital game-based learning, technology-supported self-directed learning, learning analytics in language learning, assessment with emerging technologies, etc.; looking into emerging language learning theories, pedagogies, research methods and professional development models; and addressing ethical issues caused by new technologies in language education in an attempt to shed light on future language learning.

Paper format:
The 1st ICFULL 2022 conference invites extended abstracts with a maximum of 500 words
The scope of interests includes but not limited to:
  • AI-supported Language Learning
  • Adaptive / personalized learning;
  • Chatbots and language learning;
  • Digital game-based language learning;
  • Language learning with augmented / virtual / mixed reality
  • Robot-assisted language learning;
  • Language assessment with emerging technologies;
  • Technology-supported self-directed language learning;
  • Learning analytics in language learning;
  • Emerging pedagogies with technology;
  • Emerging language learning theories;
  • Emerging language learning research methods;
  • Emerging professional development models for language teachers; 
  • Ethical issues in emerging technology supported language learning; 
  • Ethical issues in learning analytics with emerging technologies; 
  • Positioning / discussion paper about future language learning
Types of presentations

The 1st ICFULL 2022 conference features two types of online presentations.
• Oral presentation:
The presentations should report on original research related to technology-enhanced language learning. The duration of a presentation is 20 minutes, including Q & A.
• Poster presentation:
Posters contain images and information for audience’s view and presenters’ explanation. The poster session lasts one hour. Presenters should be present in the scheduled time within the poster session.
Paper submission
A submitted abstract is restricted to 500 words. The due date of abstract submission is 28 February, 2022. Authors will receive the notification with reviewers’ comments by 28 March, 2022. Abstracts should be submitted in both MS Word and PDF formats online to Upload abstract (in PDF version: https://www.eduhk.hk/ICFULL2022/download/ICFULL2022_template.pdf / MS Word version: https://www.eduhk.hk/ICFULL2022/download/ICFULL2022_template.doc). Please sign up to the EasyChair system (https://easychair.org/cfp/ICFULL2022) and upload your abstract following the instructions provided.
Prior to submission, please read and follow the conference templates (PDF version: https://www.eduhk.hk/ICFULL2022/download/ICFULL2022_template.pdf / MS Word version: https://www.eduhk.hk/ICFULL2022/download/ICFULL2022_template.doc) carefully. Submissions must not be published previously. All the submissions will be double-blind peer-reviewed. The review will focus on whether the work is original and is of good quality.

Important Dates (The submission date may be extended.):
  • Paper submission due: 28 February 2022
  • Paper review due: 28 March 2022
  • Camera-ready paper submission: 11 April
  • Early-bird registration deadline: 18 April 2022
  • Author registration deadline: 6 June 2022

For questions regarding this submission, please contact the 1st ICFULL 2022 at [email protected] . We look forward to seeing you at the 1st ICFULL 2022 organized by APSCE!