Paper Submission

Before uploading your papers to the system, please ensure that you have followed thefollowing instructions:

  • Ensure that you have adhered to the page limits for full paper (8-10 pages), short paper (5-6 pages) and poster (2-3 pages).
  • Ensure that you have followed the formatting instructions in the paper template file. Please note that the paper template has been revised please download the latest version of the template instead of reusing previous year template.

The conference will have a single-blind review, i.e. the authors of the submitting papers will not know who their referees are, while the referees will be aware of the authors of the papers that they are reviewing. Therefore, anonymization is not required in the submitted manuscripts.

Please submit your papers for ICCE 2019 via EasyChair.

Paper Format Template available here.

How to Use EasyChair to Submit an Article
  • Go to the EasyChair ICCE 2019 site.
  • If you already have an EasyChair account then login, else first create an EasyChair account (please use the email address that the PC chair will use to contact you, if you are a PC member).
Submitting Papers
  • In EasyChair, click either the enter as an author link or New Submission button (what link is available depends on whether you have submitted before), and choose the sub-conference.
  • Enter the information about your paper, click Submit, and EasyChair will send you a confirmation email.
Viewing Your Submissions
  • Click My Submissions to see all your papers.
Updating Information about Papers
  • Click My Submissions
  • Choose the paper
  • Click Update Information to modify Title, Abstract, Category or Keywords
  • Click Change Information


Paper Submission Due: May 20, 2019 (HARD DEADLINE)
Please note that submission deadline has been adjusted to the third week of May, which is two weeks later than our first announced deadline in previous ICCEs. This will be the FINAL DEADLINE and there will be NO further EXTENSION.
Notification of Acceptance: July 31, 2019
Camera-ready paper due: August 15, 2019
Author registration deadline: September 1, 2019