Keynote Speeches

Prof. Joke Voogt
University of Amsterdam, the Netherlands
Title: Preparing learners for living and working in the digital age

Due to technological developments young learners have to cope with many challenges related to living and working in the digital age. Often the term of 21st century competencies is introduced to point to the competencies students need to acquire to be able to cope with these challenges. However it is not that easy to incorporate 21st century competencies in the school curriculum. It requires a focus on meaningful learning through authentic tasks. Curriculum and assessment practices need to allow for such an approach to learning and schools and teachers need to be prepared to teach 21st century competencies. The focus of the presentation will be on research-based examples of meaningful learning through authentic tasks using technology and the conditions that need to be in place to realize them in educational practice.


Dr. Joke Voogt is professor of ICT and Curriculum at the Faculty of Behavioural and Social Sciences of the University of Amsterdam and professor of Educational Innovation and ICT at Windesheim University of Applied Sciences. Since the 1980s she has been investigating the integration of Information and Communication Technology in educational practice in national and international settings. She was part of the coordination team of Second Information Technology in Education Studies (1998-2008) of the International Association for the Evaluation of Educational Achievement and is currently involved as a curriculum specialist in the OECD Education 2030 study: The future of Education and Skills. Dr. Voogt is co-editor of the first and second edition of the International Handbook of Information Technology in Primary and Secondary Education (2008, 2018). She is co-founder and chair of the EDUsummIT, the international Summit for research, policy and practice that emerged from the first edition of the Handbook. Dr. Voogt has more than 100 scientific publications. Her areas of expertise are curriculum innovation, teacher learning and development, 21st century skills, in particular related to the integration of technology in education. Dr. Voogt has a master degree in Educational Science and Technology (with distinction) and a doctoral degree (PhD) in Educational Sciences from the University of Twente, The Netherlands.