Theme-based Invited Speakers

Prof. Xiaoqing GU
East China Normal University, China
Title: Embrace data intelligence in designing for the e-Schoolbag: Addressing the 1:1 challenges
Research fields:

ICT in Education CSCL ICT-integrated Pedagogy Learning behaviour and student model in Technology systems learning analytics


The popularity of personal mobile devices has fuelled interest in deploying this technology to transform the classroom. In general, 1:1 computing refers to the projects where technology is available to all students and their teachers. Such developments are now widespread in China, where the personal digital device in class has also been termed the 'e-Schoolbag' initiative.
One finding echoed in 1:1 projects across the world is that when these technologies are implemented, the effect is much less transformative than expected. Our studies intended to indicate how best to innovate 1:1 classroom practice from two perspectives: first, the innovative learning design in support of teaching and learning in the 1:1 classroom; second, learning analytics in an ICT-rich environment to support learning diagnosis and learning improvement.
I am going to unfold the innovative learning design for 1:1 classroom with a project centered on the development of e-Textbook. In a tradition of instruction that relies heavily on the textbook, the emerging e-Textbooks may become implicated in how teachers could innovate practice within the 1:1 class. I will first introduce a large scale e-Textbook project, where the textbook is still at the central place of the 1:1 classroom; follow that I will introduce a case study, in which we invited a classroom teacher to take up the role of designer in shaping the content of the class text. Both the design and the access to its outcome by students were made possible by the tablet technology at the heart of the e-Schoolbag idea.
The challenge of 1:1 classroom lies not only on the innovation of learning design, but also the learning intervention on the active learning activities that follows. In this sense, I am going to start with a large scale project with a heavy feature on harnessing data intelligence to innovate learning; follow that I will introduce a case study to illustrate how the learning analytic could help deal with the challenges on 1:1 classroom.