Call for Tutorials Proposals

The organizers invite proposals for tutorials to be held in conjunction with the ICCE 2019. The proposed tutorials should benefit the diverse audience, including academics, practitioners and policy makers in developing the research, development or practitioner skills needed in the field of technology-enhanced learning. Tutorials are instructive in nature and often focus on specific topics. Potential topics of tutorials could be pertaining (but not restricted) to: established learning theories or frameworks, research methods, technology-enhanced pedagogy or assessment methods, specific technologies or tools, other researcher-related skills (e.g., literature review, academic writing). The organizers also encourage tutorials that include a hands-on session, allowing participants to experience useful tools.

Tutorials can be either a full day (6 hours) or a half day (3 hours).


A tutorial event proposal should not exceed 3 pages and should contain the following information:

  • Title of the tutorial event

  • An abstract (approx. 200 words): describing the main purpose of the tutorial event and stating the significance of the topic

  • Description of the format of the tutorial event, including a narrative of the tutorial event flow

  • Name, affiliation, email, URL, and short biography of the proposer(s)/instructor(s)

  • Include examples of materials, hardware, software, and other technologies used in this tutorial event

  • Number of participants you can accommodate

  • Equipment needs (We cannot commit in advance to meet all requests. Upon acceptance of the tutorial proposal, the instructor(s) shall negotiate with the local organizing committee on this matter.)

  • State of similar tutorials and how your tutorial differs from them

A certificate will be presented to the instructor(s) of the tutorial.


The proposals should be submitted, as a single PDF file, by email to the following Tutorial Coordination Co-Chairs:

Registered ICCE participants are NOT required to pay additional fees for tutorials. Note that honorarium or discount for registration is not considered for conducting a tutorial.


Proposal Submission Deadline: August 2, 2019
Notification: August 16, 2019


Please direct all questions to the above Tutorial Coordination Co-Chairs.