All paper presentation sessions will be carried out in online mode on the Zoom platform.

Presentation time limits

  • Full Paper Presentation: 20 minutes will be allocated for presentation and 5 minutes for discussion.
  • Short Paper Presentation: 10 minutes will be allocated for presentation and 5 minutes for discussion.
  • Extended Summary Presentation: 10 minutes will be allocated for presentation and 5 minutes for discussion.

Do strictly follow the assigned presentation time slot and time limit, and report to the session chair prior to the beginning of your session.

Instructions on presentations

The video conferencing platform for online presentations and participation is Zoom. Prior to the conference, all online presenters (and participants) are required to install the Zoom client software on their computers, and make sure their webcams and microphones are properly functioning.

The link to individual online sessions are announced on the Virtual ICCE Interactive Program at the Location field when seeing the sessions details (or the link below the sessions title at the main interactive page). Please take note that Your Local timestamps on the Interactive Program page only works if JavaScript is enabled.

Presenters must logon and join the assigned Zoom room 15 minutes prior to the presentation sessions with computers or devices that could display their presentation materials (MS PowerPoint, PDF, or software to demonstrate, etc.). Do take note that such materials might not be able to be properly displayed on smartphones.

Presenters are required to turn on their webcams, share the screen, and show their faces during their presentations and the subsequent Q&A activities.

One Technical Supporter will be assigned to each room to assist the authors on technical matters. Authors also can contact with the Technical Supporters via [email protected] or post new topic to Virtual ICCE at Technical Support section

Poster presentations

  • The main platform for the poster presentation will be Remo.
  • The poster presentations comprise two components, (1) online sharing of digital posters and five-minute pre-recorded oral presentations; (2) live interaction with online participants during a designated poster presentation session via the Remo platform.

Preparing a Poster 

  • Authors are required to prepare a digital poster and a pre-recorded five-minute oral presentation sound clip.
  • Specification on the digital poster: JPEG file, 2480px*3366px, up to 10MB. A poster should be succinct in content, with appropriate sizes of figures, tables, and text. 
  • Specifications on the sound clip: MP3 format, maximum of 5 minutes.

Uploading Poster Files 

  • Compress the files (poster and audio clip) into one single zip file. Apply the following name convention to your filePaperID_Poster_LASTNAME
  • Upload it to your cloud storage (e.g., Dropbox, Google Drive) and get a link.
  • Login and post the link at the Poster Section of the Virtual ICCE forum by November 2, 2020 (
    • Title: your paper ID  
    • Content: link to your files 

The organizer will collate all the materials and publish them on the virtual conference website around November 15, 2020, for other conference participants to access them prior to the poster session.

In case you have any technical difficulty uploading files to cloud space, please send the files directly to [email protected]