Entries by Admin

ICCE 2020 Best Reviewer Award

The Standing Committee of ICCE 2020 is glad to announce the Best Reviewer Award for providing quality reviews. The selection was based on the nomination from the subconference chairs from the main conference program, which was vet by the standing committee.  The academic quality of the ICCE program largely depends on the rigor and constructiveness of the reviewers’ comments. The […]

Call for Proposals and Papers in Various Programs

The 28th International Conference on Computers in Education (ICCE 2020) is organized by the Asia-Pacific Society for Computers in Education (APSCE). ICCE 2020 will be held as a virtual conference on 23-27 November 2020. The following program components are still open for paper/proposal submissions. Accepted papers in these components will be published in proceedings, which will […]

Extended Deadline for Workshop, Panels, and Extended Summary by 2 weeks

Dear APSCE members and researchers, The committee has decided to extend the submission deadline of Workshop, Panels, and Extended Summary by 2 weeks (July 12, 2020 23:59:59 GMT/UTC +0 ). Please visit the respective page regarding the submission requirements: Workshop Panels  Extended Summary The ICCE 2020 standing committeeTanja Mitrovic, Hyojeong So, Ma. Mercedes T. Rodrigo, Jon […]

Extended Deadline for Paper Submission

Dear APSCE members and researchers, Due to the high number of requests received, the committee has decided to extend the submission deadline by 1 week (12 Jun 2020 23:59:59 GMT/UTC +0 ). Authors who have already submitted their papers may revise their submissions until the new deadline. The ICCE 2020 standing committeeTanja Mitrovic, Hyojeong So, Ma. […]

Implications of COVID-19

Dear APSCE members and researchers, Due to this year’s ICCE 2020 is held as a fully virtual conference in order to cope with the COVID-19 pandemic, the paper submission due date has been also changed and extended by two weeks. Please see Important Dates for more details. The ICCE 2020 standing committeeTanja Mitrovic, Hyojeong So, Ma. Mercedes […]

Implications of COVID-19

Dear APSCE members and researchers, These are unprecedented times, and we do hope you are all keeping safe. Our sympathy goes out to all those affected by COVID-19 across the world. The ICCE2020 standing committee and the APSCE Executive committee have considered the current situation, including the travel bans in many countries. We have therefore […]