Visa Information

Travel Visas

Holders of passports of the following 157 jurisdictions do not require a visa for the Philippines

59 days

Brazil Israel

30 days

All European Union European Union citizens Guatemala
Papua New Guinea
Andorra Guinea Paraguay
Angola Guinea-Bissau Peru
Antigua and Barbuda Guyana Qatar
Argentina Haiti Russia
Australia Honduras Rwanda
Bahamas Iceland
Saint Kitts and Nevis
Bahrain Indonesia Saint Lucia
Barbados Jamaica
Saint Vincent and the Grenadines
Belize Japan Samoa
Benin Kazakhstan San Marino
Bhutan Kenya
Sao Tome and Principe
Bolivia Kiribati Saudi Arabia
Botswana Kuwait Senegal
Brunei Kyrgyzstan Seychelles
Burkina Faso Laos Singapore
Burundi Lesotho Solomon Islands
Cambodia Liberia South Africa
Cameroon Liechtenstein South Korea
Canada Madagascar Suriname
Cape Verde Malawi Swaziland
The Central African Republic Malaysia Switzerland
Chad Maldives Tajikistan
Chile Mali Tanzania
Colombia Marshall Islands Thailand
Comoros Mauritania Togo
Republic of the Congo Mauritius
Trinidad and Tobago
Costa Rica Mexico Tunisia
Cote d’Ivoire Micronesia Turkey
DR Congo Monaco Turkmenistan
Djibouti Mongolia Tuvalu
Dominica Morocco Uganda
Dominican Republic Mozambique
The United Arab Emirates
Ecuador Myanmar United States
El Salvador Namibia Uruguay
Equatorial Guinea Nepal Uzbekistan
Eritrea New Zealand Vanuatu
Ethiopia Nicaragua Vatican City
Fiji Niger Venezuela
Gabon Norway Vietnam
Gambia Oman Zambia
Ghana Palau Zimbabwe
Grenada Panama

14 days

Hong Kong Macau
Portugal (for passports issued to permanent residents of Macau only)

7 days
United Kingdom British National (Overseas)

For more information on travel visas, please visit the Philippine Embassy Information page here.