Call for Doctoral Student Consortium (DSC) Proposals

Doctoral Student Consortium

The Doctoral Student Consortium (DSC) has become a regular feature of ICCE conferences since ICCE 2002. This DSC will be held in conjunction with ICCE 2018 and is organized to bring together PhD students working in the following 7 areas:

  • C1: ICCE Sub-Conference on Artificial Intelligence in Education/Intelligent Tutoring System (AIED/ITS) and Adaptive Learning
  • C2: ICCE Sub-Conference on Computer-supported Collaborative Learning (CSCL) and Learning Sciences
  • C3: ICCE Sub-Conference on Advanced Learning Technologies (ALT), Learning Analytics and Digital Infrastructure
  • C4: ICCE Sub-Conference on Classroom, Ubiquitous, and Mobile Technologies Enhanced Learning (CUMTEL)
  • C5: ICCE Sub-Conference on Educational Gamification and Game-based Learning (EGG)
  • C6: ICCE Sub-Conference on Technology Enhanced Language Learning (TELL)
  • C7: ICCE Sub-Conference on Practice-driven Research, Teacher Professional Development and Policy of ICT in Education (PTP)

The DSC will be a half-day event held during the pre-conference days of ICCE 2018 (November 26 or 27). The DSC aims to provide an opportunity for a selected number of PhD students to present, discuss and receive feedback on their dissertation work-in-progress from a panel of established researchers from relevant fields.

The DSC is also an opportunity for students to shape their research methodologies and analysis. As such, intending participants should not be too close to completing their research that the consortium would have little impact on their research work.


  • Provide feedback to participants on their current research approach and methodology
  • Provide theme-based forums for discussing methodological and theoretical issues of central importance to different DSC themes
  • Provide guidance on future research directions
  • Nurture a supportive learning community by promoting interaction between young researchers from various institutions across different countries in the Asia-Pacific region and beyond.


  • Proposals submitted must relate to the themes of ICCE 2018.
  • Potential participants should have chosen a PhD topic and begun their dissertation work.

[NOTE: PhD students who are close to graduation, or have nearly completed their dissertation work are advised to apply ‘Early Career Workshop’ (ECW) instead of DSC]


Submission Requirements and Materials

The following materials are required for the successful submission of a DSC proposal:

1. A paper describing your PhD dissertation work (not exceeding four pages), and addressing the following elements:

  • Motivation for the proposed research, including literature review on related work with key references
  • Description of the proposed research work with preliminary research questions
  • Description of the contribution of the proposed research
  • Proposed research methodology

2. A cover page with your name/contact information, dissertation title, advisor’s name/contact information, and the theme-based DSC to which your proposal is submitted.
3. A letter of support from your advisor, including an expected date for dissertation completion

Please download the word document template from ICCE 2018 Author Guidelines to prepare your submission. Submit your proposal in MS Word (.doc or .docx) version by email to the DSC chairs at [email protected] by August 17, 2018.
After the review process is complete, the DSC chair will notify authors of successful submissions with an invitation to the Doctoral Student Consortium. If your DSC proposal is accepted, the paper (a maximum of four pages) will be published in the Doctoral Student Consortium Proceedings of ICCE 2018 and be indexed by Elsevier Bibliographic Databases (e.g., Scopus, Engineering Village and others).


Doctoral Student Consortium Chairs

Committee Members

  • Ulrich Hoppe
  • Tatsunori Matsui
  • Ma. Mercedes Rodrigo
  • Masanori Sugimoto
  • Jie-Chi Yang

Important dates

Deadline for submission: August 17, 2018
Notification to authors: August 27, 2018
Final camera-ready submission: September 7, 2018