
The following awards were presented at the conference:

  • Best Overall Paper Award
  • Best Student Paper Award
  • Best Technical Design Paper Award
  • Best Poster Design Award

Best Overall Paper Award

C3 – Paper # 66: Using Sequence Analysis to Characterize the Efficiency of Small Groups in Large Online Courses

Judges’ Words:
  • Innovative; does not build on others’ work (at least in the education sector; imports techniques from bioinformatics)
  • Highly ambitious analysis
  • Reasonable literature review
  • Rigor in the methodological approach with clear data representations
  • Draw practical implications that can inform the design of large-scale online courses. Pioneering work that offers plenty of opportunities to push the proposed research further.

Best Student Paper Award

C2 – Paper # 204: Studying Synergistic Learning of Physics and Computational Thinking in a Learning by Modeling Environment
Nicole HUTCHINS, Gautam BISWAS, Luke CONLIN, Mona EMARA, Shuchi GROVER, Satabdi BASU, Kevin McELHANEY

Judges’ Words:

Since this award is given to a paper that mainly written by a student as first author, the award selection committee would like to give the following PROs and CONs comments for the merit and flaws the paper has so the first author student as well as all student authors of ICCE could learn and know how to make their papers better in the future:


  • The conceptual breadth
  • Robust methodology
  • Detailed analysis; and
  • The quality of the discussion throughout


  • The intervention was not compared to a control group.
  • Learning gains could therefore also be attributed to the additional time spent on the topic, not on the specific curriculum design and the the specific approach to the specific synergistic learning approach combining computational thinking and STEM.
  • As a result, results on the additional analysis on aspects of collaboration are difficult to value.

Best Technical Design Paper Award

C3 – Paper # 201: A Temporal Model of Learner Behaviors in OELEs using Process Mining
Ramkumar RAJENDRAN, Anabil MUNSHI, Mona EMARA, Gautam BISWAS

Judges’ Words:
  • This paper focus more on realizing data mining theories to the educational application.
  • It has clear motivation description, fairly thorough review literature review and deep discussion.
  • It used a fuzzy miner algorithm based process modeling method to analyze students’ learning behavior in an open ended learning environment.
  • The research team not only has the skills in designing proper user interface in Casual Map Interface but also shows their ability in analyzing users’ behavior with proper algorithm.
  • In evaluation, the proposed method was also compared with an existing method SPM, which make the result more convincing. The sample size is appropriate and the evaluation method is objective, not subjective. The author also interpreted some behavior pattern from learning and teaching.

Best Poster Design Award

Historical Cartoon Semantics Based Learning Support to Enhance Historical Interpretation
Daiki MUROYA, Kazuhisa SETA, and Yuki HAYASHI

Other Nominees for the Best Overall Paper Award

  • C1 – Paper # 36: The Implications of a Subtle Difference in the Calculation of Affect Dynamics
    Shamya KARUMBAIAH, Juliana Ma. Alexandra L. ANDRES, Anthony F. BOTELHO, Ryan S. BAKER, Jaclyn S. OCUMPAUGH
  • C5 – Paper # 68: A Review of Empirical Studies on Educational Games: 2013-2017
    Jialing ZENG, Junjie SHANG
  • C6 – Paper # 74: An Investigation of Turkish EFL Teachers’ Development through an Online Professional Development Program
  • C4 – Paper # 178: Student Questioning Tendencies and Learning Performances in a Classroom Inquiry Curriculum: An SEM Analysis
    Longkai WU, Chee-Kit LOOI, Meng-Leong HOW, Sujin HE
  • Paper # 204: Studying Synergistic Learning of Physics and Computational Thinking in a Learning by Modeling Environment
    Nicole HUTCHINS, Gautam BISWAS, Luke CONLIN, Mona EMARA, Shuchi GROVER, Satabdi BASU, Kevin McELHANEY

Other Nominees for the Best Student Paper Award

  • C1 – Paper # 36: The Implications of a Subtle Difference in the Calculation of Affect Dynamics
    Shamya KARUMBAIAH, Juliana Ma. Alexandra L. ANDRES, Anthony F. BOTELHO, Ryan S. BAKER, Jaclyn S. OCUMPAUGH
  • C3 – Paper # 52: A Scaffolding Tool to Assist Learners in Argumentation Abilities
    Cheng-Yu FAN, Chia-Ying LEE, Jui-Yi WANG, Yu-Ling HUANG, Gwo-Dong CHEN
  • C4 – Paper # 92: Analysis of Behavior Sequences of Students by Using Learning Logs of Digital Books
    Lingyu LI, Noriko UOSAKI, Hiroaki OGATA, Kousuke Mouri, Chengjiu YIN
  • C5 – Paper # 68: A Review of Empirical Studies on Educational Games: 2013-2017
    Jialing ZENG, Junjie SHANG
  • C6 – Paper # 74: An Investigation of Turkish EFL Teachers’ Development through an Online Professional Development Program

Other Nominees for the Best Technical Design Paper Award

  • C2 – Paper # 136: Preliminary Study on the Use of Reciprocal Kit Build for Collaborative Learning
    Lia SADITA, Tsukasa HIRASHIMA, Yusuke HAYASHI, Warunya WUNNASRI, Jaruwat PAILAI, Kasiyah JUNUS, Harry Budi SANTOSO
  • C4 – Paper # 200: GOAL: A System to Support Learner’s Acquisition of Self Direction Skills
    Rwitajit MAJUMDAR, Yuan Yuan YANG, Huiyong LI, Gökhan AKÇAPINAR, Brendan FLANAGAN, Hiroaki OGATA
  • C5 – Paper # 104: ctGameStudio – A Game-Based Learning Environment to Foster Computational Thinking
    Sören WERNEBURG, Sven MANSKE, H. Ulrich HOPPE
  • C6 – Paper # 6: Family Learning Coach: Engaging Families in Children’s Early Literacy Learning with Computer-Supported Tools
  • C7 – Paper # 112: A Collaborative Video Annotation and Analytics Environment (CoVAA) Intervention: User Experiences and Reflections of Teacher-Practitioners
    Jennifer Pei-Ling TAN, Elizabeth KOH, Noriff Elyn MOHAMED ARIFFIN, Ee Zi TEO, Siu Hua TAY, Shyam SINGH

Award Selection Committee Members

Xiaoqing GU, East China Normal University
Bo JIANG, Zhejiang University of Technology
Vivekanandan Suresh KUMAR, Athabasca University
Rita Kuo, New Mexico Institute of Mining and Technology
Jon MASON, Charles Darwin University
Wolfgang MUELLER, University of Education Weingarten
Rustam SHADIEV, Nanjing Normal University
Hyo-Jeong SO, Ewha Womans University
Yanjie SONG, The Education University of Hong Kong
Thepchai SUPNITHI, National Electronics and Computer Technology Center