Early Career Workshop (ECW)

Call for Participation

** Successful applicants will submit a two-page position paper on their research which will be published in the Workshop Proceedings of ICCE 2018 and will be indexed by Elsevier for inclusion in Scopus. **
Held in conjunction with the ICCE 2018, the Early Career Workshop (ECW) offers an opportunity for early career scholars in the learning technology field to discuss their research, early-career challenges and career directions with peers and senior advisors.
The ECW aims to add value to the early-career participants in, but not limited to, the following aspects:
  • To develop academic support networks among peers, between early career scholars and more senior scholars, and the connection between early career scholars and the APSCE Special Interest Groups (SIGs) related to their respective research areas;
  • To be engaged in negotiation and exchange, thereby developing greater awareness and appreciation, in acting strategically about one’s academic career, including the development of a thriving research program, grant applications and journal publications, balancing multiple requirements (research, teaching, university/international services), building local and international relationships to maximize future career opportunities, getting promotion and tenure, etc.
  • If the time and resources permit, a special program component may be arranged to offer career advice to early-career scholars at non-faculty or non-tenurable (e.g., postdoctoral fellows or lecturers), or non-academic positions who are seeking and applying for tenurable research positions.

Program Overview

The ECW will be a half-day or 3⁄4-day event (the length will depend on the number of participants) held during one of the pre-conference days of ICCE 2018 (November 26 or 27). Several established researchers of the field will serve as the advisors of the event. The event will begin with participants and advisors introducing themselves, followed by an academic and professional development panel where each advisor will give a talk on specific topic(s) on early career development, such as development of research program and grant application, building networks, paper writing and publications, promotion and tenure, balancing research/teaching/service requirements, recruiting and supervising graduate students, etc. Next, each advisor will facilitate a small group of participants who are working in the same or similar research area to discuss topics raised at the panel and individual participants’ career needs. More details about the workshop program will be released later.


  • The ECW is open to early career scholars in the learning technology field within 6 years of receiving the doctorate, or those who received their doctorate more than 6 years ago but have taken their first research position within the past 5 years. Applicants must be full-time junior faculty members or post-doctoral research staff in universities/colleges (such as assistant professors, lecturers, research scientists or post-doctoral fellows). Post-doctoral scholars who are holding industrial research positions may also apply. In principle, promoted and/or tenured university faculty members are not eligible.
  • In addition, PhD students who are expecting to graduate by 30 November 2019 may also apply for ECW participation. Such applicants are required to supply a formal letter written by their PhD supervisors/advisors which indicates the expected graduation time of the candidate.
Special note for PhD students: If you are a PhD student who has just chosen a PhD topic and began your research, please apply for participation in another ICCE program component, Doctoral Student Consortium (DSC) instead. ECW is suitable for PhD graduates OR PhD students close to graduation.


Applicants should submit a document in Word format using this template to <[email protected]> by August 17, 2018.
The successful applicants’ two-page research summaries (as part of the application document) will be published in the ICCE Workshop Proceedings on the contingency that the applicants register for ICCE participation.
The ECW Co-Chairs will notify successful applicants with an invitation to the ECW after vetting their eligibility.

Important Dates

  • Deadline for submission of applications: August 17, 2018
  • Notification to applicants: August 27, 2018
  • Final paper and registration deadline: September 14, 2018


Questions related to the ECW application and program should be addressed to the ECW Co-Chairs at <[email protected]>:
  • Hyo-Jeong SO, Ewha Womans University, South Korea
  • Maiga CHANG, Athabasca University, Canada
  • Morris JONG, Chinese University of Hong Kong, Hong Kong